Remember when you were 9 years old and you had that friend who had to have everything his/her way? “You have to listen to me; I’m the boss.” If you didn’t, you probably wanted to tell that kid “whatever loser” and walk away. Later in life, you probably met some people whose actions weren’t very Christian but when you called them out on it, they said “Jesus and I are tight. We’re friends and He understands me, so my lifestyle is ‘ok’ with Him.”
In the Gospel today, Jesus says, like the 9 year old, “You are My friends if you do what I command.” So why is it that His followers didn’t ask for a compromise or say “whatever loser” and walk away? Why does this sound so different than “We’re tight; He understands me and is ‘ok’ with everything I do”? I think Jesus’ statement should give us a perspective on our friendship with Him. It is like no other.
Because we are friends with Jesus doesn’t mean we take His words with a grain of salt and treat Him like we might our other friends: walk away so He gets the point that He’s asking for too much. Our friendship isn’t supposed to be based on a mutual understanding that one side of the friendship is a comfortably-confessed slacker either. Jesus didn’t come to say “I know you are sinners, I understand that so please know I love you and keep doing what you do best; I’ll take care of the rest.” He doesn’t leave room for slacking off; He said He came to show the way (and He laid down His life as example) and He said “You are My friends IF you do what I command.” When you were 9, you probably weren't convinced you wanted to give up your say in everything so that you could enjoy whatever plans your friend wanted to be boss of, so it was hard to surrender your will to his/her discretion. Jesus basically says it's my way or the highway if you want to participate in My plans, so I guess there is just one question: will you be His friend and agree to His commands?
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