Sunday, March 27, 2011

Transfigured (March 20th)

From all of His followers, Jesus took only Peter, James, and John to a high mountain. There on this serene, beautiful mountain, Peter, James, and John could be with Christ; listen to Him, SEE Him without the distractions of the world. They knew they were favored and loved because from everyone, Jesus chose them. In other words, they were about as intimate with Jesus in that moment as anyone could be. It is here, in this place and time, that Peter says: "Lord, it is good we are here."

Struggling to follow God's plans and Will in my life, I often find myself retreating to my own "mountain" to be intimately with God for as long as time permits: at Mass, in Adoration Chapel, or in a solid block of quiet time with Him. I want to stay there in that intimacy with Christ and I wonder, "If I truly loved Him, how could I choose to leave Him and go out into the world? How could I choose to live a life as anyone but a contemplative nun who can spend everyday on the "mountain" in that intimacy with Christ?" I often wrestled with this wondering if I didn't love Christ enough to choose a life where I could stay on the "mountain" with Him. But I realize now, though "it is good we are here" with Jesus, Christ doesn't say to Peter, James, and John, "Let us build a camp here so you three can live here and enjoy Me for the rest of your lives." No, Jesus takes them down off the mountain and we see Him and them going out to the world to touch and heal it; to live and give life to it.

So where is God calling you? Is He calling you to live on the mountain; to pour your life and love into all who seek refuge there, or is He calling you to flow from the mountain like a spring, a conduit of His living water? Is He calling you to be His hands and feet to this broken world by leaving the mountain like the first 3 visitors? Only you and God can know for sure, so take some time, go the mountain: wherever you can hear God best, and ask...and you shall receive!


  1. When people find their mountain, it is such a beautiful experience. I guess we have to leave our mountain so we can help others find their own mountain....

  2. Yes! But of course we must go back to our mountain and be renewed so we can do it all over again =)
